Oct 8, 2013

Tablouri florale - Floral wall panels

Cod(Code): FW 01
Descriere:rama lemn / retea din macrame / flori artificiale care reproduc foarte bine floarea naturala /diverse ornamente . L= 80cm / h= 40 cm
Pret : 100 lei (23 euro )

Description: wooden frame / grid of cotton / artificial flowers , very good imitation of natural flowers / various ornaments.   L = 80cm / h= 40 cm
Price: 100 lei (23 euro)

Cod(Code): FW 02
Descriere: rama plastic cu suport de sprijin  / flori artificiale ce imita foarte bine florile naturale/ diverse ornamente
L=33cm / h=14cm
Pret: 44 lei (10 euro)
Description: plastic frame with supporting props / artificial flowers, very good imitation of natural flowers/ various ornaments
L = 33cm / h = 14cm
Price: 44 lei (10 euro)

Cod(Code): FW 03
Descriere : rama lemn / retea din macrame / flori artificiale ce imita foarte bine florile naturale/diverse ornamente.
L 26 cm / h =31.5 cm
Pret : 71 lei (16 euro)

Description: wooden frame / grid of cotton / artificial flowers, very good imitation of  natural flowers/ various ornaments
L 26 cm /h= 31.5 cm
Price: 71 lei (16 euro)

                                                                                                                Code(Code): FW 04

Descriere: rama lemn / retea din macrame/ flori artificiale ce imita foarte bine florile naturale / diverse ornamente
 L =15cm /h =23 cm
Pret: 40 lei (9 euro)

Description: wooden frame / grid of cotton/ artificial flowers, very good imitation of natural flowers / various ornaments

 L = 15cm / h= 23 cm
Price: 40 lei (9 euro)

Cod ( Code) : FW 05
Descriere:rama lemn aurie / retea din macrame/flori artificiale ce imita foarte bine florile naturale/ diverse ornamente
L =36cm / h=46cm
Pret :84 lei (19 euro)

Description: gold wooden frame / grid of cotton/ artificial flowers, very good imitation of natural flowers / various ornaments . L = 36cm / h = 46cm

Price: 84 lei (19 euro)

                                                                 Cod( Code) FW 06
Descriere: rama lemn / retea din macrame/ flori artificiale ce imita foarte bine florile naturale / diverse ornamente . L =66cm / h=59cm

Pret: 150 lei ( 34 euro)

Descriptionwooden frame / grid of cotton/ artificial flowers, very good imitation of natural flowers / various ornaments .  L = 66cm / h = 59cm

Price: 150 lei (34 euro)

Cod (Code) FW 07
Descriere: rama lemn / retea din macrame/ flori artificiale ce imita foarte bine florile naturale / diverse ornamente

L =47cm / h=57cm
Pret: 150 lei ( 34 euro)

Descriptionwooden frame / grid of cotton/ artificial flowers, very good imitation of natural flowers / various ornaments

 L = 47cm / h = 57cm
Price: 150  lei (34 euro)


Cod(Code) FW 08
Descriere: rama  aurie lemn / retea din macrame/ flori naturale uscate /diverse ornamente  artificiale si din plante naturale uscate
L =40cm / h=50cm
Pret: 132 lei ( 30 euro)

Description:gold wooden frame/grid of cotton/ dried natural flowers / various ornaments, artificial and dry natural  plants

L = 40cm / h = 50cm
Price: 132 lei (30 euro)

Cod (Code) FW 09
Descriere: rama lemn / retea din macrame/ flori artificiale ce imita foarte bine florile naturale / diverse ornamente
L =45cm / h=37cm
Pret: 80 lei ( 18 euro)

Descriptionwooden frame / grid of cotton/ artificial flowers, very good imitation of natural flowers / various ornaments L = 45cm / h = 37cm

Price: 80  lei (18 euro)

Cod(Code) FW 10

Descriere: rama lemn / retea din macrame/ flori artificiale ce imita foarte bine florile naturale / diverse ornamente naturale si artificiale . L =27 / h= 36 cm
Pret: 70 lei ( 16euro)

Descriptionwooden frame / grid of cotton/ artificial flowers, very good imitation of natural flowers / various natural and artificial ornaments . L =27 / h= 36 cm

Price: 70 lei ( 16euro)

Cod(Code) FW 11
Descriere: rama lemn / retea din macrame/ flori artificiale ce imita foarte bine florile naturale / diverse ornamente . L =40 / h= 36 cm
Pret: 90 lei ( 20euro)

Descriptionwooden frame / grid of cotton/ artificial flowers, very good imitation of natural flowers / various ornaments.  L =40 / h= 36 cm

Price:  90 lei ( 20euro)

Code(Code) FW 12
Descriere: rama lemn / retea din macrame/ flori artificiale ce imita foarte bine florile naturale / diverse ornamente . L =27 / h= 20 cm
Pret: 49 lei ( 11euro)

Descriptionwooden frame / grid of cotton/ artificial flowers, very good imitation of natural flowers / various ornaments .  L =27 / h= 20 cm

Price:  49 lei ( 11euro)

Cod(Code) FW 13
Descriere:rama lemn aurie / retea din macrame/flori artificiale ce imita foarte bine florile naturale/ diverse ornamente . L =36cm / h=36cm
Pret :84 lei (19 euro)

Descriptiongold wooden frame / grid of cotton/ artificial flowers, very good imitation of natural flowers /various ornament .L = 36cm /h = 36cm

Price: 84 lei (19 euro)

Cod(Code) FW 14
Descriere: rama lemn / retea din macrame/ flori artificiale ce imita foarte bine florile naturale / diverse ornamente naturale si artificiale. L =27 / h= 36 cm
Pret: 70 lei ( 16euro)

Descriptionwooden frame / grid of cotton/ artificial flowers, very good imitation of natural flowers / various natural and artificial ornaments.  L =27 / h= 36 cm

Price: 70 lei ( 16euro)

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